Sheryl Evans Davis is Executive Director of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, appointed by Mayor Edwin Lee in 2016. Dr. Davis is a passionate advocate for equity, access, and educational opportunity for all.

Davis has led efforts to center community voice and prioritize equity in addressing the impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations, including coordinating the allocations process of $120 million in grant monies to support the Black community in San Francisco. Since 2019, Davis has worked to build out an equity framework with San Francisco community stakeholders and City departments, and worked to launch the citywide Office of Racial Equity, an initiative housed within the SFHRC. Davis also oversees the Equity Studies Task Force, the Blue Ribbon Panel for Juvenile Justice Reform, the Dream Keeper Initiative, and the Close Juvenile Hall Working Group, among other programs housed within the Human Rights Commission. Programs and initiatives she has established include Black to the Future, Everybody Reads, and Opportunities for All, among others.

Davis was founding Director of Mo’MAGIC, a program of the S.F. Public Defender’s office in service of children, youth, and community in San Francisco’s Fillmore District. Davis has also served on the SFPD Fair & Impartial Policing and Community Policing Advisory Committees, the Fillmore Community Benefits District, and the Redevelopment Agency's Western Addition Citizen Advisory Committee. She holds a BA from San Francisco State University, an MPA from the University of San Francisco, and an EdD from the USC Rossier School of Education. Davis was awarded an honorary doctorate by USF in 2019.